Understanding Vipassana | AmazingMindWarriors

Understanding Vipassana | AmazingMindWarriors

Vipassana tends to focus on the interconnection between the body and the mind and is a way of transforming oneself via self-observation. This is experienced in a direct manner by ensuring disciplined attention to the different sensations that form life to your body. In short, Vipassana gives you the power to see things as they are without any illusions or discriminations. This is an ancient technique of meditation which was rediscovered by Buddha 2500 years ago.

Few Tips on Vipassana Meditation:

1. To follow Vipassana you need to sit crossed leg in a very quiet place. This can also be practiced sitting on a chair if you are facing any health problems, all you need to ensure is that your back is straight when practice this form of mediation. Choose a position so that your body s comfortable and relaxed. This helps in achieving the peace of mind.

2. Once you have settled in a specific position you need to shut your eyes and place all your attention to the belly (abdomen). You need to breathe in a normal manner without making any additional effort. You experience specific sensations with each breath and the rising of the abdomen, breathing out makes the abdomen fall back into place.

3. It is important to ensure that you are attentive to the inhalation and the exhalation process and feel each sensation arising from the rising and the falling of the abdomen. The awareness needs to be thorough. It is important that you have precise aim and effort so that your mind can meet the sensation powerfully and directly. You need to be aware even if the mind wanders off and try to get back your attention to the rising and the falling of the belly.

vipassana meditation

Reasons for choosing Vipassana:

Practicing Vipassana offers a wide range of benefits which are positive not only for the physical health of an individual but also for the emotional and mental health.

*Managing anger and stress is easy when you have practiced Vipassana. This treats neurosis and other emotional conditions which are unhealthy.

*There is an increase in the immunity as most of the stress is managed by this practice of Vipassana. You lead a healthier life and can enjoy to the maximum of whatever life throws at you. You are able to handle the positives and the negatives in a balanced manner.

*Vipassana meditation helps in bringing down the level of pain you go through with chronic inflammatory diseases. You find that tackling diseases like arthritis, asthma and heart diseases is easier with the regular practice of Vipassana.

*With regular practice of Vipassana the body releases less of the stress hormones. There are fewer chances of getting blood pressure problems. Meditation is a state of peace when the mind of the individual practicing Vipassana can remain quiet and calm in a state of alert. There are many types of mediation and you can take the advice of a professional to find out which one will work to your benefit.

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